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Abstract presentations

Oral Presentation
You have 10+5 (10 minutes presentation, 5 minutes questions) minutes for your presentation.
You will find your session on the program overview. Click here to get to speakers instructions.

The size of the posters should be 70cm wide and 100cm in height.
Help and material needed to put your poster on display will be provided on site of the conference. The poster should be printed and ready when arriving at the conference. You are expected to be available to answer questions about the poster as well as discussing your research during a designated time, specified in the conference program.

Poster presentations will take place 12th of June 1630-1730 according to the program.
The poster presenter is expected to be by their poster at ths time. 

Your poster is supposed to be available in this area before the first coffee break 10.40 on the 12th of June. Your poster will be on display during the entire congress.

If you have any questions or technical problems concerning abstract submission, please do not hesitate to contact Karin at MKON,